Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Convert Outboard Electric Start

Enabling project management

Enabling freely translated, means "create opportunities", referring to ensure that each team member finds his or her qualifications in accordance with the best job opportunities. Most employees are intrinsically involved, so that it is sufficient to clear away obstacles to motivate them.

The most important conditions for motivation and performance are:

  • information
  • resources
  • support
provide information is: define the goal and the result, establish the role and responsibilities of each team member to explain the conditions (time, quality requirements, dependencies, risks) and provide the professional and technical information needed to complete the task required.

is to provide resources : Make sure that each team member has done all the work, sufficient funding to complete the task can be. This includes the inherent capacity of the team member (that are free of other commitments and have enough time to devote himself undisturbed to the task in the project),

support provide
means ensure that each team member will receive advice and assistance to the extent as required by the job and personal skills. Given the support of colleagues and external experts is as much as the assistance by the project with problems or conflicts.


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