ROG-balance sheet 2010:
57 journalists killed in 25 countries / number of media workers kidnapped increased.
30.12.2010 - At least 57 journalists and a media assistant in the year 2010 during their work or because of their profession have been killed. They are 19 media employees less than last year (2009: 76 journalists, a media assistant). The number of countries in which media workers were killed, has increased compared to 2009 from 20 to 25. ROG has increased this year also seen cases of kidnappings (2010: 51, 2009: 33). These are some results of the published balance of Reporters Without Borders (RSF) on attacks on press freedom in 2010.
The numbers of physical attacks on journalists, the arrests of media people, and censored the media show compared to last year, no major movements. 535 journalists were arrested during the year (2009: 573), 1374 suffered violence or been threatened (2009: 1,456), 504 media were censored (2009: 570) and 62 states were affected by Internet censorship (2009: 60).
Last year was the death rate due to a massacre of media employees in November 2009 in the Philippines by about 25 percent higher. Then 32 journalists were murdered in one day.
The most dangerous countries for journalists in Pakistan this year (11 deaths), Mexico (7), Iraq (7) and the Philippines (4). In Pakistan, the reporter who made mainly by Islamist groups targeted. In Mexico's the danger for journalists critical of most drug cartels from. In Iraq, journalists were victims of bombings.
In the Philippines, are behind most killings private militias of clan chiefs and local politicians. The perpetrators fear the independent and critical reporting on criminal activity and corruption.
Other focal points of the freedom of the press developed this year, Honduras and Thailand. In the Southeast Asian country were killed in fighting between government troops and opposition red shirts of two foreign correspondents. In Honduras, ROG in at least three murder cases directly related to the journalistic work of the Victims identified. A further seven murders of reporters are still unsolved. Increased cases of abductions of media workers recorded ROG currently in Afghanistan, Nigeria and Mexico.
The number of physical assaults and threats against journalists in Europe and the CIS region has increased, in contrast to other world regions significantly. An increase in violence against media workers recorded ROG including countries with national elections such as Azerbaijan, Ukraine and Belarus (Belarus).
Belarus also continues to ten journalists are detained. They were after the presidential election on 19th December in Minsk detained. Most journalists are currently behind bars in Iran (37), followed by China (30) and Eritrea (29). The working conditions for journalists in Iran have deteriorated further this year. The regime has extended the surveillance of media personnel and tightened entry regulations for correspondents. Journalists who wish to exercise their human right to freedom of reporting must, significant risks to be accepted.
The two imprisoned members of the "Bild am Sonntag" got the feel tragically. For more than 80 days, the two in jail for attempting to report from a country that is hermetically sealing off and letting happen, no independent observers. You may not misused as pawns in political negotiations will and must immediately be released.
Read The complete financial statement ROG 2010 under: . (Anja Viohl / ROG)
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