Saturday, January 23, 2010

How Long Does It Take For An Ice Cube To Freeze

project status meeting

The status meeting held once a week and serves the status of individual work packages to communicate to all project participants. For large projects that meet this sub-project managers after they have conducted their own earlier status meetings with your team. In small projects the whole team takes part in the status meeting.

The project invites and prepares. The regular agenda consists of three points:

  1. General
    information from bodies occurring risks, changes in the project plan, ... (PL min, 3-6.)
  2. status of the work packages
    A sub-point for each work package :
    progress, risks and need for coordination (AP-Charge, 2-8 min.)
  3. Other work packages
    independent topics, information from and to all team members (All, 5-10min.)
rules for the Status Meeting:

  • keep speaking times.
  • only relevant and confirmed information communicate
  • New issues (for clarification, decision-making needs, ...) identify and clarify just outside the meeting
  • for representatives to ensure the absence
The status meeting takes 1 to max. 1.5 hours and is the pure exchange of information. All elections, appointments, decisions take place outside and in a small group.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Mulheres De Tetas Grandes

Scope Control in the planning and design phase

It sometimes happens that the description of the project content, the project is still being worked on. This process makes high demands on the monitoring of the project scope. By working out of specification details (eg when creating the detailed specifications or technical design) can (possibly unnoticed) change the project content and / or the required implementation complexity compared to the baseline.
The graph shows the possible cases and their treatment in the context of risk or change management. While a change in the time required and the cost can be easily recognized by repeated estimation, is a variation of the Scope not always easy to recognize.
general: a change of the scope is at least then before:
  • if quantitative characteristics change (eg: 12 floors instead of 10, instead of 120kw 100kw electricity consumption, 40 web pages instead of 30, ...)
  • if product characteristics change , the agreements previously made (eg: instead of asphalt concrete, green instead of blue, ...)
  • when met result additional product features over the previously no agreements have been (eg, plays music, can be recycled be, is also available in English, ...)
Any change in the scope (in terms of the agreements ) is considered change request and should be approved by the principal.
Any change in the scope (in terms of expectations ) is considered to have occurred project risk (expectations, risks, see also "better safe Pragmatic Risk Management for Project Managers ").

Saturday, January 9, 2010

In Pokemon Fire Red Cheat To Complete Pokedex Vba

part-time resources and the Chinese principle

Most people know the so-called "China" principle which says that more people can accomplish the same task in less time. The applicability of this principle is subject to some restrictions:
  • First, it depends very much on the task, whether and how long the relationship is linear, so if twice as many employees actually need only half the time.
  • Second, there are for most tasks, a saturation limit beyond which additional resources can not work faster profit more. Try, for example times, a lecture for two to keep them in half the time.
An interesting reversal this principle is the planning part-time resources, which - subject to similar effects - but for different reasons. This post describes a quantitative approach as these effects in scheduling can be considered.

The sand and the stones
part-time staff resources are not available during your entire time on the project are available but only a part of. This fact must be bridged into account in scheduling the tasks for these employees. But how?
Imagine a big pile of sand in front of which is to be moved to another location. Suppose it requires 100 days of work to transport the sand. Then, two full-time employees need to have 50 days time, two employees, who work need only every other day for 100 days and two employees only one day a week work required 250 days (equivalent to 100 / 20% / 2).
Now we imagine that the cluster contains, besides the sand and stones that are so serious that the workers, they can only carry together. How long will it take now? Well, as long as the workers (even if they work part-time) work simultaneously, changes in estimates of the time nothing. If workers, however, always working on different days, they are also never to wear to the stones and the work lasts forever. How easy it is for the workers to work on the same day depends (in addition to planning aspects) obviously depends on how high the availability of each worker, and how many workers are also required.

The realistic time estimate
Although this offers an interesting excursion into the world of applied statistics, I do without it (not least because the appearance of individual employees in the project is hopefully not a random event, but a pending planning to follow). Instead, I explain briefly the method of calculation and the analogy to the Chinese principle.
Suppose the cluster contains so many stones that 10% accounts for the overall work on the wearing of the stones. This means that 90% of the work still done independently can be. For this 90%, the invoice (work / capacity / Number of employees) as described above. For the remaining 10% of the work, the same calculation rule, but the capacity is reduced because the employee also must be available. Highly simplified, we assume the cooperation capacity is individual capacity ^ Number of employees * Number of employees. If all employees are required to always wear a stone, the following picture:
The duration initially decreases with increasing number of employees - this reflects the high (90%) share of the work again, which must be done independently can. The more employees are also required to complete 10% of cooperative work (in our example, also the stones heavier), the greater the effect on the total time.

the practical side
The stone from the example correspond to the operations that can carry the team was together (ie team meetings and other necessary votes). The sand is equivalent parallelizable tasks which the employees can perform independently of each other. Similar to the application of the Chinese principle of increasing the team performance linear if either is the only work of independent tasks, or all resources are available to 100%. Are the limited resources available, the overall productivity with increasing number of employees even fall, as the following graphic.
The graph assumes a cooperative of 10% of the total work and assumes that this ratio in the estimation of the total work has been taken into account (eg: one hour team meeting is 10 hours of work, if at 10 members) .

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Venison Neck Slow Cooker

Scope Control and Scope Verification

A key tool being to successful projects ( in time and in budget ) should complete the monitoring of the Scopes . The Project Scope is the extent of the services of project performance. This is the beginning of the project set and then changed only through change requests and a defined process. By
Scope Control is the project manager ensure that the project is being implemented only what was agreed as scope. Necessary changes (due to feasibility, cost or actual risks) and useful extensions (Synnergieeffekte, optimization potential) are reported as change requests and follow the same change process as modified or additional requirements that are addressed to the outside of the project. The
Scope Verification is ensure that the project has provided his services in full. Target the formal acceptance by the customer (project relief) is. The review is based on the quality criteria that was agreed at the start of the project and refers to the initial project scope and all the accepted change requests.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Milena Velba Quando Fotos

project progress monitor

A known method of monitoring the project progress Earned Value Analysis (or in German: earned value method). The earned value is the already completed part of the project results (measured on their estimated costs).

  • To judge-time performance of the project, we compare the earned value with the planned value, the part of the project results, which should be made to finish today. If the earned value greater than the planned value is the time performance than positive: the project is ahead of schedule. assess
  • To cost performance of a project to compare the actual costs (actual cost) with the planned costs (planned cost or earned value). If the earned value greater than the actual costs comprise the cost-performance than positive: the project is cheaper than expected.
An even simpler method is to milestone trend analysis . Here are the dates of the milestones and the period in which they were each valid entry in the coordinate system.

corresponds Ideally, each milestone of a horizontal line and his appointment is constant during the project. If a milestone is moved arise (through accepted change requests or actual project risks) "steps" as the picture above shows. The milestone-trend analysis is the time performance and present the risk exposure of the project.