Minister Kristina Schroeder sets dossier "families with a migration background" before
"We must support immigrant families in training and more professional"
More than one in four family in Germany today has an immigrant background. After having been studied in particular the situation of children, adolescents and women, it is the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth first time the entire family integration policy in the view. To this end, the Ministry today announced the dossier "families with a migrant background: living situation, participation and reconciliation of work and family life before. Basis of the file, data from the census of 2009 and the panel "Labour market and social protection" of the Institute for Labour Market and Employment Research (IAB).
"successful integration in the family proved best," said the Federal Minister for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth, Kristina Schroeder.
"We must therefore move in the integration policy, the whole family into focus. The file occupies, in particular the importance of paid work for a successful integration. It is crucial that especially migrant women are employed, because they contribute to family income and benefit themselves - and their children - from new social contacts. The opportunity for these women to learn a trade and it later exercise must not fail because of lack of support or intra-family hurdles. "
addition to food and income situation of the dossier and the areas studied education and employment. A particular focus is on . the integration of the mothers in the labor market, the data support this high motivation of women to work, go Beyond the direct impact on the family -. lower risk of poverty, less transfer of reference, social inclusion - has the work in the long term positive effects by improving the participation opportunities of the children. Striking is the high educational expectations that parents have a migrant background to their children: 70 percent of mothers and 73 percent of fathers with immigrant wish that their child take the Abitur.
However, while about two-thirds of families with a migrant background are well integrated in the labor market or self in a position to have to deal with the integration process, the dossier looks at about a third of mothers with large immigrant support needs. Without a very intensive and individual support these women were permanently excluded from work and largely socially isolated. The results of the dossier are an important basis for the design of practical projects to improve the employment integration of mothers with an immigrant background, who will start the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs next year.
"We must support the educational aspirations and the rise will of the parents, not only for social reasons -. Even against the backdrop of growing skills shortages, we can we can not even afford to give up this potential," said Federal Minister for Family Affairs Schroeder. "However, the high educational expectations fail in reality far too often. The parents are indeed the best for their children know, but in many cases, how to support them because they are not with the German education system are familiar. "
The Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth therefore two launched new programs. In 4000 focus centers for children "language and integration" will be there from next year to additional language development for children. At the same time, the family minister early next year, the federal program "Parents chance child chance to start, support and advise in the specially trained to help parents families on education issues and .
The dossier "family with an immigrant background" is the first publication the office of the future council family "of the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth. The "family Zukunftsrat" advises the Ministry of scientifically important family policy issues as the integration of families with a migrant background, the reconciliation of family life and strengthening the economic stability of families. (BMFSFJ)
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