completion of the project "IWAS - International Water Research Alliance Saxony" and signing of a Memorandum of Understanding
Kiev: On 9 November 2010 will clock at 18.30 in the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany, the formal completion of the first phase of the scientific research project, "IWAS - International Water Research Alliance Saxony" instead. In this project, which financed by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research and supported by the Ministry of Housing and Communal Services of Ukraine, within the last two and half years was an intensive exchange of experience between Ukrainian and German experts of water instead.
was also started in IWAS cooperation between the Ukrainian Association of operators of water companies' Ukrvodokanalekologia "and the German Association of the German Water Partnership Water. made for the successful continuation of 9 November, the formal signing of the Memorandum of Understanding.
18:30 - Opening and welcome
Dr. Hans-Jürgen Heimsoeth, German Ambassador in Kiev
Juriy Khivrych, Minister for Housing and communal services or Grygoriy Semchuk, Deputy. Minister
Gunda Röstel, Deputy. CEO GWP
Viktor Maslak, President of the Association Ukrvodokanalekologiya
19:00 - Signing of the Memorandum of Understanding, group photo
19.15 - completed Phase I IWAS
Oleksandr Shkin
Corinna Weigelt
photo documentation
20:00 - buffet with music at the 10th
November 2010 to organize "German Water Partnership" and "Ukrvodokanalekologia" also a Conference on "Sustainable energy management in the water."
central themes of the event are to increase energy efficiency and the improvement of resource management in water supply and sanitation. Representatives of German and Ukrainian companies in the Water as well as leading suppliers and designers present best-practice examples of energy-saving measures. The event is part of the German-Ukrainian Energy Forum at the International Exhibition Centre, Hall 1, Conference Room 1, Brovarskyy pr.15 instead.
13:30 to 14:00: Registration
14:00 to 14:30: Opening
Dr. Hans-Jürgen Heimsoeth, Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany
Grygoriy Semchuk, 1 Deputy Minister for Housing and Communal Services of Ukraine
- Greetings
Gunda Röstel, vice chairman of German Water Partnership
Viktor Maslak, president of the Ukrainian Association of Water Supply and sewerage companies 'Ukrvodokanalekologia "
Stefan Girod, Managing Director German Water Partnership
Yurij Zherlitsyn, Vice President of the Ukrainian Association of water supply and sewerage companies' Ukrvodokanalekologia"
Moderator: Gunda Röstel, vice-chairman German Water Partnership, business leader Stadtentwässerung Dresden
14:30 - 15.00: Efficient use of energy resources in the water
management system for the efficient use of energy resources in water management: Oleksandr Boyko, deputy director of the scientific center of the National Agency Ukraine for Efficient Use of Energy Resources (NRDP)
15:00 - 16:30: Practical examples of the implementation of measures for energy saving
energy management in water management on the example of the city drainage Dresden: Norbert Lucke, laboratory director Urban Drainage Dresden GmbH
optimization of energy costs from the perspective the water company Chernihivvodokanal: Oleksandr Shkin, Director KU "Chernihivvodokanal»
coffee break
energy savings - strategic direction in the development of the sewage system: Elina Shevchenko, deputy director for strategic development DKP KG "Kharkivkomunochistvod"
4:30 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. : The growing importance of energy saving technologies
compact energy-efficient treatment systems: Rainer Schmelzle, technical director of HST Group
use of heat pumps in the water: Valeriy Chenchevoy, General KP POR "Poltavavodokanal"
energy efficiency potentials in the water supply and sanitation, taking into account life cycle costs using the example of the City of Chernihiv Ivan Adamenko, WILO
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